Navigating accountability in Uganda’s social policies

Press/Media: ResearchAcademic


How do citizens navigate power hierarchies to demand accountability in service delivery? In this video, Ahmed El Assal explores the challenges of depoliticized accountability initiatives in Uganda's social protection and education sectors. Drawing from five months of fieldwork, his research highlights paradoxes of fear and empowerment, digital inequalities, and the impact of political patronage on policy implementation. This presentation is part of the event, 'Pro-poor' pathways and the politics of development. The full broadcast can be found here:

Period14 Nov 2024

Media contributions


Media contributions

  • TitleNavigating accountability in Uganda’s social policies
    Degree of recognitionInternational
    Media typeWeb
    Duration/Length/Size4 mins
    DescriptionHow do citizens navigate power hierarchies to demand accountability in service delivery?

    In this video, I explores the challenges of depoliticized accountability initiatives in Uganda's social protection and education sectors. Drawing from five months of fieldwork, his research highlights paradoxes of fear and empowerment, digital inequalities, and the impact of political patronage on policy implementation.

    This presentation is part of the event, 'Pro-poor' pathways and the politics of development. The full broadcast can be found here:
    PersonsAhmed Elassal