This repository contains the data and scripts to reproduce Espinosa & Stoop, Experimental Economics, 2021: Do people really want to be informed?The project contains folders wit data, Stata codes (do-files), and R scripts.DoFiles:[ABD] Results: computes the estimates shown in the paper for Diet treatmentTable C1: column 1Table C2: column 1Table C3: columns 1 & 2[Alcohol] Results: computes the estimates shown in the paper for Alcohol treatmentTable C1: column 2Table C2: column 2Table C3: columns 3 & 4[Immigration] Results: computes the estimates shown in the paper for Immigration treatmentTable C1: column 3Table C2: column 3Table C3: columns 5 & 6[InfoABD] Results: computes the estimates shown in the paper for Immigration treatmentTable C1: column 4[InfoAlcohol] Results: computes the estimates shown in the paper for Immigration treatmentTable C1: column 5[InfoImmigration] Results: computes the estimates shown in the paper for Immigration treatmentTable C1: column 6[DiD] InfoImpact: difference-in-difference estimationTable 5[HeavyDrinkers] Results: Impact of incentives on heavy drinkersRobustness check #6[Impact] Results: regression of the information campaigns' impactTable 6[Placebo] Results: Look at incentive effect in placebo treatmentRobustness check #2[Pilot] Results: Look at the order effect in the pilotRobustness check #5R Scripts:MLE on full sample: computes the estimates of Table 4 (columns: 1-3-5)Robustness checks MLE.Robustness check #4 (focusing on the three first questions)Robustness check #3 (omitting one question each time)Table 8Bootstrap Process: bootstraps the MLEsAnalyze Bootstrap Results: Analyze the results of the bootstrap processTable 4: columns 2-4-6Table C5