ISO Award for Higher Education in Standardization



The Rotterdam School of Management of the renowned Erasmus University, the Netherlands, is the winner of this year's ISO Award for Higher Education in Standardization. The award was presented today at the 32nd ISO General Assembly in Cape Town, South Africa. Dr. Ir. H.J. de Vries, Associate Professor, received the award on behalf of the international business school for its standardization programmes covering both graduate and undergraduate degrees. Dr. George Arnold, ISO Vice-President (policy) and Chair of the selection committee which had unanimously designated the Rotterdam School of Management as the winner, said that the committee was particularly impressed by: The integrated approach of the programme, combining self-learning and lectures, and encompassing Bachelor to Master levels The link between research on the impact of standardization and application of that research into the marketplace. This included the strategic benefit of standardization to business The diversity of the pedagogical tools developed and used for the programme, with a particular emphasis on research and business relevance The thrust placed on practical experience. The award comprises a certificate of appreciation and a cash prize of 15 000 Swiss francs. It is co-sponsored by ISO and the Japanese Industrial Standards Committee (JISC), the ISO member for Japan. The Rotterdam School of Management was one of six finalists. The other educational institutions (see below) were from Belarus, Egypt, France, Republic of Korea, and Ukraine. This is the second time the prize has been awarded, since its creation in 2006 to encourage and recognize successful programmes in higher education on standardization. The first award, presented in 2007, was given to China Jiliang University, People's Republic of China. In addition to Dr. Arnold, the award selection committee consists of eminent international personalities from academia, the economic sphere and the media: Mr. Guillaume Chenevière, Executive Director, Media and Society Foundation, Switzerland Prof. Masami Tanaka, Vice-President, Japanese Industrial Standards Committee (JISC) Dr. Barbara Ischinger, Directorate for Education, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Mr. Georges Haddad, Director of the Division of Higher Education (UNESCO).
Granting OrganisationsDepartment of Management of Technology and Innovation
