NWA Science Communication Grant: Youth participation as a way to deal with a triple crisis



The current generation of adolescents faces a triple crisis: the Covid-19 crisis, the climate crisis and a social inequality crisis. These societal challenges are not limited by national borders but require global collaboration. Our young generation has to face this triple crisis. At the same time, this generation has the potential to lead as agents of change. In a two-year project, researchers of the Erasmus SYNC lab aim to involve adolescents in research and policy. Their aim is that this empowers adolescents to deal with and contribute to solutions of the triple crisis. Within the project, special attention will be paid to reaching underrepresented youth. De Nationale Wetenschapsagenda (NWA) supports the project through a science communication grant of €150,000.

This project is a collaboration with the University of Amsterdam (Dr. Thijs Bol) and Utrecht University (Prof. Dr. Sander Thomaes), various youth organizations (Nationale Jeugdraad, Jonge Klimaatbeweging, studenteninitatief Lieve Mark, Erasmus Verbindt), the program Maatschappelijke Diensttijd (MDT Op Zuid), the Municipality of Rotterdam and science museum NEMO.
Degree of recognitionNational
