A Bodyweight-Dependent Allometric Exponent for Scaling Clearance Across the Human Life-Span

C Wang, MYM Peeters, Karel Allegaert, HJB van Oud-Alblas, EHJ Krekels, Dick Tibboel, M Danhof, Catherijne Knibbe

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To explore different allometric equations for scaling clearance across the human life-span using propofol as a model drug. Data from seven previously published propofol studies ((pre)term neonates, infants, toddlers, children, adolescents and adults) were analysed using NONMEM VI. To scale clearance, a bodyweight-based exponential equation with four different structures for the exponent was used: (I) 3/4 allometric scaling model; (II) mixture model; (III) bodyweight-cut-point separated model; (IV) bodyweight-dependent exponent model. Model I adequately described clearance in adults and older children, but overestimated clearance of neonates and underestimated clearance of infants. Use of two different exponents in Model II and Model III showed significantly improved performance, but yielded ambiguities on the boundaries of the two subpopulations. This discontinuity was overcome in Model IV, in which the exponent changed sigmoidally from 1.35 at a hypothetical bodyweight of 0 kg to a value of 0.56 from 10 kg onwards, thereby A model was developed for scaling clearance over the entire human life-span with a single continuous equation, in which the exponent of the bodyweight-based exponential equation varied with bodyweight.
Original languageUndefined/Unknown
Pages (from-to)1570-1581
Number of pages12
JournalPharmaceutical Research
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 2012

Research programs

  • EMC COEUR-09
  • EMC MGC-02-53-01-A

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