A Sustainable Approach to Innovation Adoption in Light-rail Transport

Taslim Alade, Jurian Edelenbos, Alberto Gianoli

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This article primary aims to understand how the Light-Rail Transport (LRT) pricing and infrastructural innovations from a Chinese context have been adopted to the Addis-Ababa city context. Secondly, it wishes to show what were the economic, social and environmental effects of these adapted innovations on passenger service delivery and Multi-National Corporations (MNCs) and what effects did the resident’s proximity have on commercial activities along the LRT route. Thirdly, it identified re-adaptations to a more sustainable LRT with respect to the passengers, MNCs, and residents. This study has revealed economic, social and environmental effects that may influence innovation adoption, such as: reduction in carbon emissions; fare evasion; inconvenience; affordability; less revenue; less proximity to commercial activities; and an increase in travel distances for pedestrians. A mixed method for a single case study was used, which included semi-structured interviews with light-rail experts and a passenger survey. The results show that economic sustainability factors account for 12 out of 14 sustainability factors and 2 out of 14 social and environmental sustainability factors. The results are intended to be used as a decision support system for innovation adoption in other cities with similar context, in order to develop a sustainable approach to LRT planning.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-22
Number of pages22
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2020

Research programs



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