Accountantstoezicht, rechtsbescherming en de ontwikkeling van beroepsnormen

David Beek, Karel Boonzaaijer, Rutger Doelder, Eva Eijkelenboom, Steven Hijink, L Veld

    Research output: Book/Report/Inaugural speech/Farewell speechBookAcademic

    Original languageDutch
    Place of PublicationDen Haag
    PublisherBoom Juridische Uitgevers
    Number of pages191
    EditionIvO Center for Financial Law and Governance 4
    ISBN (Print)9789462902411
    Publication statusPublished - 2016

    Publication series

    SeriesIvO Center for Financial Law and Governance

    Research programs

    • SAI 2005-01 LM

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