Y Luan, T Faez, E Gelderblom, Ilya Skachkov, B Geers, I Lentacker, T van der Steen, M Versluis, Nico Jong

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47 Citations (Scopus)


A comparison between phospholipid-coated microbubbles with and without liposomes attached to the microbubble surface was performed using the ultra-high-speed imaging camera (Brandaris 128). We investigated 73 liposome-loaded microbubbles (loaded microbubbles) and 41 microbubbles without liposome loading (unloaded microbubbles) with a diameter ranging from 3-10 mu m at frequencies ranging from 0.6-3.8 MHz and acoustic pressures ranging from 5-100 kPa. The experimental data showed nearly the same shell elasticity for the loaded and unloaded bubbles, but the shell viscosity was higher for loaded bubbles compared with unloaded bubbles. For loaded bubbles, a higher pressure threshold for the bubble vibrations was noticed. In addition, an "expansion-only'' behavior was observed for up to 69% of the investigated loaded bubbles, which mostly occurred at low acoustic pressures (<= 30 kPa). Finally, fluorescence imaging showed heterogeneity of liposome distributions of the loaded bubbles. (E-mail: [email protected]) (C) 2012 World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology.
Original languageUndefined/Unknown
Pages (from-to)2174-2185
Number of pages12
JournalUltrasound in Medicine and Biology
Issue number12
Publication statusPublished - 2012

Research programs

  • EMC COEUR-09

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