beta CaMKII controls the direction of plasticity at parallel fiber-Purkinje cell synapses

Geeske van Woerden, Freek Hoebeek, ZY Gao, RY Nagaraja, CC Hoogenraad, Steven Kushner, Christian Hansel, Chris de Zeeuw, Ype Elgersma

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review

106 Citations (Scopus)


We found that beta CaMKII, the predominant CaMKII isoform of the cerebellum, is important for controlling the direction of plasticity at the parallel fiber-Purkinje cell synapse; a protocol that induced synaptic depression in wild-type mice resulted in synaptic potentiation in Camk2b knockout mice and vice versa. These findings provide us with unique experimental insight into the mechanisms that transduce graded calcium signals into either synaptic depression or potentiation.
Original languageUndefined/Unknown
Pages (from-to)823-825
Number of pages3
JournalNature Neuroscience
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - 2009

Research programs

  • EMC ONWAR-01-94-01
  • EMC OR-01-58-01

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