Brain activity detection by estimating the signal-to-noise ratio of fMRI time series using dynamic linear models

Alicia Quirós*, Simon P. Wilson, Raquel Montes Diez, Ana Beatriz Solana, Juan Antonio Hernández Tamames

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review

2 Citations (Scopus)


This work shows an example of the application of Bayesian dynamic linear models in fMRI analysis. Estimating the error variances of such a model, we are able to obtain samples from the posterior distribution of the signal-to-noise ratio for each voxel, which is used as a criterion for the detection of brain activity. The benefits of this approach are: (i) the reduced number of parameters, (ii) the model makes no assumptions about the stimulation paradigm, (iii) an interpretable model based approach, and (iv) flexibility. The performance of the proposed method is shown by simulations and further results are presented on the application of the model for the analysis of a real fMRI data set, in order to illustrate some practical issues and to compare with previously proposed techniques. The results obtained demonstrate the ability of the model to detect brain activity, even when the stimulus paradigm is unknown, constituting an alternative to data driven approaches when dealing with resting-state fMRI.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)205-211
Number of pages7
JournalDigital Signal Processing: A Review Journal
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2015
Externally publishedYes

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
This work was funded by the grant Tec2012-39095-C03-01 from the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Spanish Government) and by the Trinity College Dublin Visiting Professors Fund and by Insight Centre for Data Analytics , Grant Number SFI/12/RC/2289 . The authors would like to thank J. Álvarez Linera (Neuroradiology, Hospital Ruber International, Madrid, Spain), and A. Gil-Nagel, R. Toledano, I. García Morales, and V. San Antonio-Arce (Epilepsy Program, Hospital Ruber International, Madrid, Spain) for fMRI acquisition and epileptic patient recruitment and discussion.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2015 Elsevier Inc.


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