Carbon Capture and Storage

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The technology of Carbon Capture and Storage (‘CCS’), also described as a family of
technologies (Zillman, McHarg, Barrera-Hernandez and Bradbrook 13 Find it in your
Library), aims, as its name suggests, at capturing carbon dioxide (CO2) from large point
sources (power plants) and transporting it to a storage site to depose or store the CO2 in
underground geological formations (Fouillac 121–41 Find it in your Library; Gibbins and
Chalmers Find it in your Library). The technology consists of several components: i) the
capture of CO2 from various point sources (cement factories, chemical factories, fossil fuels
plants); ii) to the extent relevant, the transportation thereof to a storage site via pipelines;
and ultimately iii) the long-term storage of the carbon underground.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationOxford Encyclopedia of EU Law
EditorsS. Garben, L. Gormley
PublisherOxford University Press
EditionOnline edn.
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2024


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