Clinical Applicability of Microbiota Sampling in a Subfertile Population: Urine versus Vagina

Rivka Koedooder, Sam Schoenmakers*, Martin Singer, Martine Bos, Linda Poort, Paul Savelkoul, Servaas Morré, Jonathan de Jonge, Dries Budding, Joop Laven

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The urogenital microbiota is increasingly gaining recognition as a significant contributor to reproductive health. Recent studies suggest that microbiota can serve as predictors for fertility treatment outcomes. Our objective was to investigate the degree of similarity in microbial composition between patient-collected urine and vaginal samples in a subfertile population. We enrolled women of reproductive age (20–44 years) diagnosed with subfertility and requiring in vitro fertilization (IVF) or IVF with intracytoplasmic sperm injection (IVF-ICSI) treatment. They self-collected both mid-stream urine samples and vaginal swabs before commencing the IVF or IVF-ICSI procedure. All samples were analysed using the intergenic spacer profiling (IS-pro) technique, a rapid clinical microbiota analysis tool. The main outcome measures were the degree of similarity of microbial composition between the two different, but simultaneously collected, samples. Our findings revealed a high correlation (R squared of 0.78) in microbiota profiles between paired urine and vaginal samples from individual patients. Nevertheless, the urinary microbiota profiles contained fewer species compared to the vaginal microbiota, resulting in minor but distinguishable differences. Furthermore, different subfertility diagnoses appeared to be associated with differences in microbial profiles. A noteworthy observation was the exclusive presence of Escherichia coli (E. coli) in both samples of women diagnosed with male factor subfertility. In conclusion, since urinary microbiota profiles seem to represent a diluted version of the vaginal microbiota, vaginal microbiome sampling to predict fertility treatment outcome seems preferable. To enhance the success of fertility treatments, further research is needed to gain deeper insights into a putative causal role of microbiota in the mechanisms of subfertility.

Original languageEnglish
Article number1789
Issue number9
Publication statusPublished - 29 Aug 2024

Bibliographical note

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© 2024 by the authors.


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