Co-regulation of intragenic microRNA miR-153 and its host gene Ia-2 β: identification of miR-153 target genes with functions related to IA-2β in pancreas and brain

W. Mandemakers, L. Abuhatzira, H. Xu, L. A. Caromile, S. S. Hébert, A. Snellinx, V. A. Morais, S. Matta, T. Cai, A. L. Notkins, B. De Strooper*

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We analysed the genomic organisation of miR-153, a microRNA embedded in genes that encode two of the major type 1 diabetes autoantigens, islet-associated protein (IA)-2 and IA-2β. We also identified miR-153 target genes that correlated with IA-2β localisation and function. 


 A bioinformatics approach was used to identify miR-153's genomic organisation. To analyse the co-regulation of miR-153 and IA-2β, quantitative PCR analysis of miR-153 and Ia-2β (also known as Ptprn2) was performed after a glucose stimulation assay in MIN6B cells and isolated murine pancreatic islets, and also in wild-type Ia-2 (also known as Ptprn), Ia-2β single knockout and Ia-2/Ia-2β double knockout mouse brain and pancreatic islets. Bioinformatics identification of miR-153 target genes and validation via luciferase reporter assays, western blotting and quantitative PCR were also carried out. 


Two copies of miR-153, miR-153-1 and miR-153-2, are localised in intron 19 of Ia-2 and Ia-2β, respectively. In rodents, only miR-153-2 is conserved. We demonstrated that expression of miR-153-2 and Ia-2β in rodents is partially co-regulated as demonstrated by a strong reduction of miR-153 expression levels in Ia-2β knockout and Ia-2/Ia-2β double knockout mice. miR-153 levels were unaffected in Ia-2 knockout mice. In addition, glucose stimulation, which increases Ia-2 and Ia-2β expression, also significantly increased expression of miR-153. Several predicted targets of miR-153 were reduced after glucose stimulation in vitro, correlating with the increase in miR-153 levels.

Conclusions/ interpretation: 

This study suggests the involvement of miR-153, IA-2β and miR-153 target genes in a regulatory network, which is potentially relevant to insulin and neurotransmitter release.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1547-1556
Number of pages10
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - 18 Apr 2013
Externally publishedYes

Bibliographical note

This work was supported, in part, by the Intramural Research Program of the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, NIH, Bethesda, MD, USA, a Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship (EIF proposal number 041333) awarded to W. Mandemakers, and a Methusalem grant (Flemish community and University of Leuven, Belgium) and European Research Commission (ERC) grant (EU Commission) to B. De Strooper.


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