Detentiebeleving van strafrechtelijk gedetineerden zonder verblijfsrecht

Mieke Kox, S de Ridder, A-S Vanhouche, MM Boone, K Beyens

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The detention experiences of male criminal foreign national prisoners without legal residence receive little attention in penological literature. A qualitative study amongst 30 prisoners with and 16 prisoners without legal residence in the penitentiary institution Tilburg shows that contacts with the social network and the preparation of the reintegration in society are (more) complicated for foreign national prisoners without legal residence. Besides, communication with the staff is more difficult for this group. These factors have negative impact on their detention experiences. The results show that both deprivation and importation theory apply to foreign national prisoners without legal residence. However, importation aspects - especially the lack of legal residence - may substantially and systematically increase the deprivation and result in additional exclusion and isolation mechanisms for this particular group.
Original languageDutch
Pages (from-to)31-47
Number of pages17
JournalTijdschrift voor Criminologie
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2014

Research programs

  • SAI 2005-04 MSS

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