Determinants of adolescents' soft drink consumption

ET (Elling) Bere, ES Glomnes, SJ (Saskia) te Velde, KI Klepp

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Objective: To identify determinants of adolescents' consumption of carbonated soft drinks (regular and diet), both of total consumption and of consumption at school. Design/Setting/Subjects: Regular and diet soft drink consumption was measured by food frequency questions that were dichotomised. Several potential environmental and personal determinants of consumption were measured. A total of 2870 (participation rate: 85%) 9th and 10th graders, within 33 Norwegian schools, participated in the study. Multilevel logistic regression analyses were preformed for total soft drink consumption (twice a week or more vs. less) and for consumption at school (once a week or more vs. less). Results: A total of 63% and 27% of the participants reported to drink respectively regular and diet soft drinks twice a week or more, and 24% and 8%, respectively, reported to drink soft drinks once a week or more at school. Preferences, accessibility, modelling and attitudes were the strongest determinants of both regular and diet soft drink consumption. In addition, gender, educational plans and dieting were related to both total soft drink consumption and consumption at school. Pupils with longer distance from school to shop and those in schools with rules concerning soft drink consumption tended to have lower odds of drinking both regular and diet soft drinks at school. Conclusion: This Study shows that gender, educational plans, dieting, accessibility, modelling, attitudes and preferences all seem to be strong determinants of adolescents' soft drink consumption. Parents and the home environment appear as great potential intervention targets.
Original languageUndefined/Unknown
Pages (from-to)49-56
Number of pages8
JournalPublic Health Nutrition
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2008

Research programs

  • EMC NIHES-02-65-02

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