Diversiteit als kracht: rapportage van onderzoek naar diversiteit en inclusie binnen de rechtenstudie

Translated title of the contribution: Diversity as power

Research output: Book/Report/Inaugural speech/Farewell speechReportAcademic


This report presents findings from our research on diversity and inclusion within Erasmus School of Law (ESL). The report is part of the authors' fellowship at the Community for Learning and Innovation (CLI) of Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR). The aim of the report is to contribute to inclusive education at EUR, and ESL in particular, by sharing relevant findings for faculty and providing recommendations to improve policy and teaching. In doing so, we aim specifically to: 1) address unnecessary hurdles in the learning environment, rather than focusing on a perceived 'deficit' among certain categories of students; 2) promote an inclusive approach to diversity in education through identifying practices that foster 'sense of belonging' and study success; 3) contribute to training reflective and self-aware legal professionals.
Translated title of the contributionDiversity as power
Original languageDutch
Number of pages66
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2024

Bibliographical note

© Nina Holvast & Willem-Jan Kortleven, 2024
Onderzoek uitgevoerd binnen het Community for Learning & Innovation Fellowship


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