Embodiment as a pedagogical tool to enhance learning

Myrto F. Mavilidi*, Kim Ouwehand, Mirko Schmidt, Caterina Pesce, Phillip D. Tomporowski, Anthony Okely, Fred Paas

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Chapter/Conference proceedingChapterAcademic

10 Citations (Scopus)


This chapter focuses on practical implications of embodiment to facilitate learning in educational contexts. Starting from a brief historical overview of the scientific debate of action-perception that forms the genesis of embodiment, the chapter progresses to later influential theories. Contemporary trends are discussed in light of theories of embodied cognition, emphasising the importance of body movements in shaping higher-order cognitive processing and how embodied cognitive neuroscience links the brain, the body, and the broader environment. In reviewing the literature, empirical studies with movements are explored in relation to their type of embodiment (e.g., gestures, simulation, whole-body movements, physical activity), educational setting (e.g., preschool, primary school, high school), and learning domain (e.g., language, science). Lastly, embodiment is linked with interoception (i.e., understanding of our body and its needs), to help explain individual and developmental differences. Opportunities and limits of applying embodiment in education are further discussed.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe Body, Embodiment, and Education
Subtitle of host publicationAn Interdisciplinary Approach
PublisherTaylor & Francis Ltd
Number of pages21
ISBN (Electronic)9781000449730
ISBN (Print)9780367694951
Publication statusPublished - 29 Sept 2021


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