Engaging Students with Sustainable Development Goals: A Performative Educational Toolkit with Virtual Reality Simulations, Letters to the Future and an SDG Strategy Assignment

Michaéla Schippers, Rob van Tulder, Max M. Louwerse, Desiderio C. Panas

Research output: Working paperProfessional

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The Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) of the UN aim to realize the Sustainable Development Goals through responsible management education practices. Recent reports however show that many SDGs are not being met, and there is even transgression on several key goals. In order to assure bottom-up involvement with the SDGs, there is a clear need for an evidence-based performative educational toolkit. We propose such an evidence-informed teaching package to increase student engagement with the SDGs, with concrete educational artefacts as an outcome. Specifically, the performative package, based on theories of positive psychology, is aimed at inducing intentions and actual behavioral change, using self-transcendent goals. The educational package comprises the induction of (1) the overview effect (OE) using virtual reality simulations, (2) a letter to the future (LF, i.e. writing about the ideal world, as well as about concrete goals to contribute to this ideal world) and (3) an SDG poster assignment to enhance positive (strategic) change for wicked problems. We conclude with an example of how this educational package could be integrated within the curriculum. The combination of OE, LF and an SDG assignment comprises a promising intervention package in the toolkit of the educational professional.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationRotterdam
Number of pages42
Publication statusPublished - 2025


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