Entrepreneurial ecosystem frameworks for the study of cultural and creative industries: the case of Porto

Research output: Non-textual formWeb publication/siteAcademic


The ‘ecosystem’ notion is finding its way in the economic, management and policy literatures. In fact, in entrepreneurship, the entrepreneurial ecosystem is a well elaborated concept. By means of an analysis of the sub-ecosystem of the cultural and creative industries (CCIs) in Porto, we explain how cultural, social and material aspects, also in their interactions, have led to the development of the entrepreneurial ecosystem (EE) of this medium-sized city since it became a European Capital of Culture in 2001.
Original languageEnglish
Place of Publication Economists Talk Art blog, a research-based policy analysis and commentary since 2015
PublisherAssociation for Cultural Economics International (ACEI)
Media of outputBlog
Publication statusPublished - 7 Dec 2021

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