Genetic Interactions with Age, Sex, Body Mass Index, and Hypertension in Relation to Atrial Fibrillation: The AFGen Consortium

LC Weng, KL Lunetta, M Muller-Nurasyid, AV Smith, S Theriault, PE Weeke, J Barnard, JC Bis, LP Lyytikainen, ME Kleber, A Martinsson, H J Lin, M Rienstra, S Trompet, Bouwe Krijthe, M Dorr, D Klarin, DI Chasman, MF Sinner, M WaldenbergerLJ Launer, TB Harris, EZ Soliman, A Alonso, G Pare, PL Teixeira, JC Denny, MB Shoemaker, DR Van Wagoner, JD Smith, BM Psaty, N Sotoodehnia, KD Taylor, M Kahonen, K Nikus, GE Delgado, O Melander, G Engstrom, J Yao, XQ Guo, IE Christophersen, PT Ellinor, B Geelhoed, N (Niek) Verweij, P Macfarlane, I Ford, Jan Heeringa, OH Franco Duran, André Uitterlinden, U Volker, A Teumer, LM Rose, S Kaab, V Gudnason, DE Arking, D Conen, DM Roden, MK Chung, SR Heckbert, EJ Benjamin, T Lehtimaki, W Marz, JG Smith, JI Rotter, P van der Harst, JW Jukema, Bruno Stricker, SB Felix, CM Albert, SA Lubitz

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review

14 Citations (Scopus)
17 Downloads (Pure)
Original languageUndefined/Unknown
Article number11303
JournalScientific Reports
Publication statusPublished - 2017

Research programs

  • EMC NIHES-01-64-01

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