Genome-wide Association Study of Smoking Initiation and Current Smoking

JM Vink, AB Smit, EJC de Geus, P Sullivan, G Willemsen, JJ (Jouke Jan) Hottenga, JH Smit, WJ Hoogendijk, FG Zitman, L Peltonen, J Kaprio, NL Pedersen, PK Magnusson, TD Spector, KO Kyvik, KI Morleyis, AC Heath, NG Martin, RGJ Westendorp, PE (Eline) SlagboomHenning Tiemeier, Bert Hofman, André Uitterlinden, YS Aulchenko, Najaf Amin, Cornelia Duijn, BW Penninx, DI Boomsma

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112 Citations (Scopus)


For the identification of genes associated with smoking initiation and current smoking, genome-wide association analyses were carried out in 3497 subjects. Significant genes that replicated in three independent samples(n - 405, 5810, and 1648) were visualized into a biologically meaningful network showing cellular location and direct interaction of their proteins. Several interesting groups of proteins stood out, including glutamate receptors (e.g., GRIN2B, GRIN2A, GRIK2, GRM8), proteins involved in tyrosine kinase receptor signaling (e.g., NTRK2, GRB14), transporters (e.g., SLC1A2, SLC9A9) and cell-adhesion molecules (e.g., CDH23). We conclude that a network-based genome-wide association approach can identify genes influencing smoking behavior.
Original languageUndefined/Unknown
Pages (from-to)367-379
Number of pages13
JournalAmerican Journal of Human Genetics
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2009

Research programs

  • EMC NIHES-01-64-01

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