Growing Up Together in Society (GUTS): A team science effort to predict societal trajectories in adolescence and young adulthood

Eveline A Crone*, Thijs Bol, Barbara R Braams, Mark de Rooij, Barbara Franke, Ingmar Franken, Valeria Gazzola, Berna Güroğlu, Hilde Huizenga, Hilleke Hulshoff Pol, Loes Keijsers, Christian Keysers, Lydia Krabbendam, Lucres Jansen, Arne Popma, Gert Stulp, Nienke van Atteveldt, Anna van Duijvenvoorde, René Veenstra

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Our society faces a great diversity of opportunities for youth. The 10-year Growing Up Together in Society (GUTS) program has the long-term goal to understand which combination of measures best predict societal trajectories, such as school success, mental health, well-being, and developing a sense of belonging in society. Our leading hypothesis is that self-regulation is key to how adolescents successfully navigate the demands of contemporary society. We aim to test these questions using socio-economic, questionnaire (including experience sampling methods), behavioral, brain (fMRI, sMRI, EEG), hormonal, and genetic measures in four large cohorts including adolescents and young adults. Two cohorts are designed as test and replication cohorts to test the developmental trajectory of self-regulation, including adolescents of different socioeconomic status thereby bridging individual, family, and societal perspectives. The third cohort consists of an entire social network to examine how neural and self-regulatory development influences and is influenced by whom adolescents and young adults choose to interact with. The fourth cohort includes youth with early signs of antisocial and delinquent behavior to understand patterns of societal development in individuals at the extreme ends of self-regulation and societal participation, and examines pathways into and out of delinquency. We will complement the newly collected cohorts with data from existing large-scale population-based and case-control cohorts. The study is embedded in a transdisciplinary approach that engages stakeholders throughout the design stage, with a strong focus on citizen science and youth participation in study design, data collection, and interpretation of results, to ensure optimal translation to youth in society.

Original languageEnglish
Article number101403
JournalDevelopmental Cognitive Neuroscience
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - Jun 2024

Bibliographical note

Copyright © 2024 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.

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