Health outcomes in Bulgaria: Simulated effects of obesogenic environmental changes in adulthood versus childhood

Elena Milkovska*, Pieter HM van Baal

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Objective: Bulgarian government efforts to tackle obesity are focused mainly on guidelines affecting children. However, it is unclear whether targeting children for obesity-related health policies yields better long-term health outcomes as opposed to changing the risk of obesity in adulthood. This study aims to evaluate where policy efforts should be directed to alleviate the health burden associated with obesity. Methods: We compare the impact on population health of two simulated scenarios when (a) the prevalence of obesity upon entering adulthood is lowered; (b) the risk of getting an unhealthy weight as an adult is reduced. Additionally, we run (c) combinations of the two and (d) childhood obesity prevention on the one hand, and worsening (increasing) obesity incidence later in adulthood on the other. Results: Our findings show that obesogenic environmental changes throughout adulthood have a stronger effect on life expectancy (LE), diabetes-free life expectancy (DFLE) and type 2 diabetes prevalence outcomes compared to lowering the proportion of individuals with obesity during adolescence. Nevertheless, a sizable reduction in the number of young adults with unhealthy weight has the potential to recover years of LE/DFLE that would be lost if the risk of obesity in adulthood would continue to grow in time. Conclusions: The two types of policies' (a-b) effects are not equivalent in strength and the best way forward is dependent on future obesity incidence trends.

Original languageEnglish
Article number107700
JournalPreventive Medicine
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2023

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright: © 2023 The Authors


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