Het Europese gevoel: grenzen, emoties en idealen van Europa

Sjoerd Keulen, DBR (Ronald) Kroeze

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleProfessional


Ronald Kroeze & Sjoerd Keulen elaborate on Europe's borders, emotions and ideals. The European elections of June and the referendum on the European constitution in 2005 showed that European citizens are highly interested in emotional debates and grand narratives concerning European integration.This is in line with the rising interest in cultural and political nationalism, traditions and national history all over Europe. In addition the authors argue that' Europe' is tangible, perceptible and has a real meaning as they discovered after a four months research-travel through Eastern Europe and Russia. During this trip they asked Europeans where the Eastern border of Europe lies and used this as a metaphor to find out what kind of history, mentality and feelings Europeans share. It seemed that Europe is still an attractive and positive concept.
Original languageUndefined/Unknown
Pages (from-to)517-520
Number of pages4
JournalInternationale Spectator
Issue number10
Publication statusPublished - 2009
Externally publishedYes

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