Imaging immunity in patients with cancer using positron emission tomography

Fiona Hegi-Johnson, Stacey Rudd, Rodney J. Hicks, Dirk De Ruysscher, Joseph A. Trapani, Thomas John, Paul Donnelly, Benjamin Blyth, Gerard Hanna, Sarah Everitt, Peter Roselt, Michael P. MacManus*

*Corresponding author for this work

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21 Citations (Scopus)
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Immune checkpoint inhibitors and related molecules can achieve tumour regression, and even prolonged survival, for a subset of cancer patients with an otherwise dire prognosis. However, it remains unclear why some patients respond to immunotherapy and others do not. PET imaging has the potential to characterise the spatial and temporal heterogeneity of both immunotherapy target molecules and the tumor immune microenvironment, suggesting a tantalising vision of personally-adapted immunomodulatory treatment regimens. Personalised combinations of immunotherapy with local therapies and other systemic therapies, would be informed by immune imaging and subsequently modified in accordance with therapeutically induced immune environmental changes. An ideal PET imaging biomarker would facilitate the choice of initial therapy and would permit sequential imaging in time-frames that could provide actionable information to guide subsequent therapy. Such imaging should provide either prognostic or predictive measures of responsiveness relevant to key immunotherapy types but, most importantly, guide key decisions on initiation, continuation, change or cessation of treatment to reduce the cost and morbidity of treatment while enhancing survival outcomes. We survey the current literature, focusing on clinically relevant immune checkpoint immunotherapies, for which novel PET tracers are being developed, and discuss what steps are needed to make this vision a reality.
Original languageEnglish
Article number24
Journalnpj Precision Oncology
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 7 Apr 2022
Externally publishedYes

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
F.H.J.: Clinical Trial Funding, Honoraria and Advisory Boards Astra Zeneca. R.J.H.: Stockholder in Telix Pharmaceuticals. P.S.D.: Received research funding from Clarity Pharmaceuticals and Telix Pharmaceuticals. The University of Melbourne has licensed Intellectual Property where P.S.D. is listed as an inventor to Clarity Pharmaceuticals and Telix Pharmaceuticals. Serves on the Scientific Advisory Board and has a financial interest in Clarity Pharmaceuticals. M.P.M.: Clinical trial funding Varian Medical Systems. The remaining authors declare no competing interests.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2022, The Author(s).


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