INFRAFRONTIER-providing mutant mouse resources as research tools for the international scientific community

TF Meehan, CK Chen, G Koscielny, M Relac, P Wilkinson, P Flicek, H Parkinson, A Castro, S Fessele, R Steinkamp, M Hagn, M Raess, MH de Angelis, J Bottomley, R Ramirez-Solis, D Smedley, S Ball, A Blake, M Fray, J KenyonAM Mallon, S Brown, M Massimi, R Matteoni, G Tocchini-Valentini, Y Herault, G Kollias, B Ulfhake, J Demengeot, C Fremond, F Bosch, L Montoliu, R Soininen, K Schughart, C Brakebusch, R Sedlacek, T Rulicke, C McKerlie, B Malissen, F Iraqi, J Jonkers, H Russig, Danny Huylebroeck

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35 Citations (Scopus)


The laboratory mouse is a key model organism to investigate mechanism and therapeutics of human disease. The number of targeted genetic mouse models of disease is growing rapidly due to high-throughput production strategies employed by the International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium (IMPC) and the development of new, more efficient genome engineering techniques such as CRISPR based systems. We have previously described the European Mouse Mutant Archive (EMMA) resource and how this international infrastructure provides archiving and distribution worldwide for mutant mouse strains. EMMA has since evolved into INFRAFRONTIER (, the pan-European research infrastructure for the systemic phenotyping, archiving and distribution of mouse disease models. Here we describe new features including improved search for mouse strains, support for new embryonic stem cell resources, access to training materials via a comprehensive knowledgebase and the promotion of innovative analytical and diagnostic techniques.
Original languageUndefined/Unknown
Pages (from-to)D1171-D1175
JournalNucleic Acids Research
Issue numberD1
Publication statusPublished - 2015

Research programs

  • EMC MGC-02-13-02

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