Mental Health Stigma in the Workplace and its Association with Possible Actions of Managers to Prevent Sickness Absence of Employees with Mental Health Problems in the Swedish Private Sector: a Video Vignette Study

Sofie Schuller*, Angelique de Rijk, Linda Corin, Monica Bertilsson

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Mental health problems (MHPs) are subjected to workplace stigma and can deteriorate into common mental disorders (CMDs) and sickness absence (SA). Research has shown that personal stigmatizing attitudes limit managers’ efforts towards employees with MHPs, but knowledge is lacking regarding stigma in social contexts (contextual stigma) and different types of possible preventive actions. This study investigates personal stigmatizing attitudes and three contextual stigma layers (employee, collegial, organizational) and different types of possible actions to prevent SA of employees with MHPs. 


Survey data of 2769 Swedish managers working in the private sector were analysed. Personal stigmatizing attitudes were measured with the managerial stigma towards employee depression scale and supplemented with four additional items capturing contextual stigma. Managers watched video vignettes and assessed which preventive actions (n = 20) were possible to use in their organization. A sum score was calculated reflecting the ‘number of actions’. Principal component analysis revealed three action types: adapt tasks and setting, involve experts, and social support. A score reflecting the ‘possibilities to implement actions’ was calculated for each type. Multiple linear regression analyses were conducted with the four stigma layers as independent variables for each of the three action variables.


Personal stigmatizing attitudes and contextual stigma were significantly associated with both ‘number of actions’ and ‘possibilities for implementing actions’ relating to all action types. Patterns of associations with contextual stigma were significant but varied between the different action types. 


This study substantiated the role of personal stigmatizing attitudes and contextual stigma in relation to possible actions of managers to prevent SA of employees with MHPs. The results emphasize the role of contextual stigma. Implications for practice and research are discussed.

Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Occupational Rehabilitation
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 11 Jul 2024

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© The Author(s) 2024.

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