Niet-gebruik van arbeid-zorgbeleid door werkende ouders

A Peper

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperAcademic


In the past twenty years the amount of working parents has been increasing enormously in the Netherlands. Consequently, a growing number of employees have caring responsibilities in addition to their jobs. Many organizations have adopted work-life policies in response to the changing needs of the workforce. In addition, the government increasingly offers statutory provisions for working parents. Therefore, working parents can choose from a broad palette of work-life policies nowadays. It has only been recently that researchers have begun to look at whether employees actually utilize work-life policies, and their studies show that that is not in fact always the case. There seems to be a `gap between policy and practice¿. In this paper I will examine the reasons for working parent not to use work-life policies offered by their employer. The main research questions are: What are the reasons for non-use of work-life policies by working parents? And, is the non-use of work-life policies negatively affecting the work-life balance of working parents, compared to working parents who do use work-life policies? I will use survey data collected in three Dutch financial sector organizations: one public sector organization and two private organizations. All three differ considerably regarding their organizational culture and working practices.
Original languageUndefined/Unknown
Publication statusPublished - 14 Oct 2009
EventNederlandse Arbeidsmarktdag - Den Haag
Duration: 14 Oct 2009 → …


ConferenceNederlandse Arbeidsmarktdag
CityDen Haag
Period14/10/09 → …

Research programs


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