North-South* research collaborations: the quest for equitable partnerships

Research output: Book/Report/Inaugural speech/Farewell speechReportAcademic


International research collaborations have increased significantly, mainly in the context of programs funded by Northern governments, educational institutions, and other organizations dedicated to humanitarian action and emergency responses. While significant to knowledge production, the collaborations have raised concerns and criticisms regarding the real meaning of “partnerships” and
complex power dynamics.
To further advance this discussion, the Humanitarian Governance: Accountability, Advocacy, and Alternatives team, and the Research Ethics Committee of the International Humanitarian Studies Association (IHSA), organized a series of regional webinars around research collaborations between partners, institutions, and organizations from different regions, emphasising the voices and experiences of the researchers from the Global South. As a result, during August, October, and November 2021, four regional webinars were organized in Ethiopia, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), India, and Latin America.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages7
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2022


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