Patients' preferences for secondary prevention following a coronary event

Tinka J. van Trier*, Harald T. Jørstad, Wilma J.M. Scholte op Reimer, Madoka Sunamura, Nienke ter Hoeve, G. Aernout Somsen, Ron J.G. Peters, Marjolein Snaterse

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Despite clear evidence on the effectiveness of secondary prevention, patients with coronary artery disease frequently fail to reach guideline-based risk factor targets. Integrating patients’ preferences into treatment decisions has been recommended to reduce this gap. However, this requires knowledge about patient treatment preferences. Therefore, through a survey study, we aimed to explore which risk factors patients self-perceived, prioritised for improvement, and needed support with after a recent hospitalisation for coronary heart disease. 


A digital questionnaire was presented to patients > 18 years recently discharged (≤3 months) from an acute coronary care unit in the Netherlands (Europe). Patients could select from eight cardiovascular risk factors that they (1) self-perceived, (2) prioritised for improvement, and (3) needed support to improve. Patients’ perceived risk factors were compared to those documented in the medical records. 


Respondents (N = 254, 26 % women), mean age 64 (SD 10) years, identified ‘physical inactivity’ more frequently than their medical records (140 patients vs. 91 records, p < 0.001), while three other risk factors were reported with equal and four with lower frequency. ‘Physical inactivity’, ‘overweight’ and ‘stress’ were most frequently prioritised for improvement (82 %, 88 % and 78 %) and professional support (64 %, 50 % and 58 %), with 87 % preferring lifestyle optimisation if this would reduce drug use. 


Patients with a recent coronary event show significant disparities in identifying risk factors compared to their medical records. They tend to prefer improving lifestyle- over drug-modifiable risk factors, particularly physical inactivity, overweight and stress, and indicate the need for support in improving these factors.

Original languageEnglish
Article number102681
JournalPreventive Medicine Reports
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2024

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2024


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