Perspectives of healthcare professionals on facilitators, barriers and needs in children with obesity and their parents in achieving a healthier lifestyle

Naomi de Pooter*, Emma van den Eynde, Hein Raat, Jacob C. Seidell, Erica L.T. van den Akker, Jutka Halberstadt

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Objective: To explore the perspectives of healthcare professionals (HCPs) within an integrated care approach on the facilitators, barriers and needs in children with obesity and their parents in achieving a healthier lifestyle. Methods: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with eighteen HCPs working within a Dutch integrated care approach. The interviews were analyzed by performing a thematic content analysis. Results: Main facilitators identified by HCPs were support from parents and the social network. Main barriers were first and foremost family's lack of motivation, which was singled out as a precondition for starting the behavior change process. Other barriers were child's socio-emotional problems, parental personal problems, lack of parenting skills, parental lack of knowledge and skills regarding a healthier lifestyle, parental lack of problem awareness and HCP's negative attitude. To overcome these barriers, main needs that HCPs suggested were a tailored approach in healthcare and a supportive HCP. Conclusion: The HCPs identified the breadth and complexity of underlying factors of childhood obesity, of which the family's motivation was pointed out as a critical factor to address. Innovation: Understanding the patient's perspective is important for HCPs to provide the tailored care needed to address the complexity of childhood obesity.

Original languageEnglish
Article number100074
JournalPEC Innovation
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2022

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
This work was supported by the Netherlands Cardiovascular Research Initiative : An initiative with support of the Dutch Heart Foundation and ZonMw (grant number CVON2016-07 LIKE). This project was also part of the Care for Obesity Project ( VU University Amsterdam ), which was funded by the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport (grant numbers 328544 , 329657 , 977473 , 332401 ). The funders did not have any role in the study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish or preparation of the manuscript.

Publisher Copyright: © 2022 The Authors


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