Plasma renin and aldosterone concentrations related to endovascular ultrasound renal denervation in the RADIANCE-HTN SOLO trial

Naomi D.L. Fisher*, Ajay J. Kirtane, Joost Daemen, Florian Rader, Melvin D. Lobo, Manish Saxena, Josephine Abraham, Roland E. Schmieder, Andrew S.P. Sharp, Philippe Gosse, Lisa Claude, Yang Song, Michel Azizi

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7 Citations (Scopus)


Objective: The RADIANCE-HTN SOLO trial demonstrated a greater reduction in daytime ambulatory SBP at 2 months by endovascular ultrasound renal denervation than sham procedure. We hypothesized that plasma renin and aldosterone concentrations would be associated with the SBP response to renal denervation. Methods: Hypertensive patients were randomized to renal denervation (n=74) or sham (n=72) after a 4-week washout of antihypertensive medications. In a 53-patient subset, 2-month and 6-month plasma renin and aldosterone concentration were measured. Dietary sodium was not controlled. Results: Mean age of the 29 treatment and 24 sham patients was 54years; 62% were men; 17% black. Daytime ambulatory SBP fell in the denervation but not the sham group at 2 months (-7.8=10.7 vs. -0.1=10.1mmHg; P=0.048). Baseline plasma renin and aldosterone concentrations were in the low-normal range, did not change significantly at 2 months in either group and did not predict response to renal denervation. At 6 months, after the addition of antihypertensive medications, there was a significant rise in renin in the sham but not the denervation group. Conclusion: Although renal denervation but not sham resulted in a decrease in daytime ambulatory SBP at 2 months, renin and aldosterone concentrations did neither predict the BP response to renal denervation; nor did they fall after denervation. A rise in renin at 6 months in the sham group likely represents confounding from antihypertensive medications. Whether the BP-lowering effect of renal denervation depends on reducing local intrarenal renin release requires further study.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)221-228
Number of pages8
JournalJournal of Hypertension
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 1 Feb 2022

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
The RADIANCE-HTN SOLO study was funded by ReCor Medical (Palo Alto, California, USA).

Publisher Copyright:
Copyright ß 2021 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.


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