Pregnancy outcome in thoracic aortic disease data from the Registry of Pregnancy and Cardiac disease

Laurence Campens, Lucia Baris, Nandita S. Scott, Craig S. Broberg, Antione Bondue, Guillaume Jondeau, Jasmine Grewal, Mark R. Johnson, Roger Hall, Julie De Backer, Jolien W. Roos-Hesselink*

*Corresponding author for this work

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Background Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death during pregnancy with thoracic aortic dissection being one of the main causes. Thoracic aortic disease is commonly related to hereditary disorders and congenital heart malformations such as bicuspid aortic valve (BAV). Pregnancy is considered a high risk period in women with underlying aortopathy. Methods The ESC EORP Registry Of Pregnancy And Cardiac disease (ROPAC) is a prospective global registry that enrolled 5739 women with pre-existing cardiac disease. With this analysis, we aim to study the maternal and fetal outcome of pregnancy in women with thoracic aortic disease. Results Thoracic aortic disease was reported in 189 women (3.3%). Half of them were patients with Marfan syndrome (MFS), 26% had a BAV, 8% Turner syndrome, 2% vascular Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and 11% had no underlying genetic defect or associated congenital heart defect. Aortic dilatation was reported in 58% of patients and 6% had a history of aortic dissection. Four patients, of whom three were patients with MFS, had an acute aortic dissection (three type A and one type B aortic dissection) without maternal or fetal mortality. No complications occurred in women with a history of aortic dissection. There was no significant difference in median fetal birth weight if treated with a beta-blocker or not (2960 g (2358-3390 g) vs 3270 g (2750-3570 g), p value 0.25). Conclusion This ancillary analysis provides the largest prospective data review on pregnancy risk for patients with thoracic aortic disease. Overall pregnancy outcomes in women with thoracic aortic disease followed according to current guidelines are good.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1704-1709
Number of pages6
Issue number21
Publication statusPublished - 1 Nov 2021

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
Funding from 'Zabawas Foundation' and 'De Hoop Foundation' in addition to the support from EORP is greatly acknowledged. Since the start of EORP, the following companies have supported the programme: Abbott Vascular Int. (2011-2021), Amgen Cardiovascular (2009-2018), AstraZeneca (2014-2021), Bayer AG (2009-2018), Boehringer Ingelheim (2009-2019), Boston Scientific (2009-2012), The Bristol Myers Squibb and Pfizer Alliance (2011-2019), Daiichi Sankyo Europe GmbH (2011-2020), The Alliance Daiichi Sankyo Europe GmbH and Eli Lilly and Company (2014-2017), Edwards (2016-2019), Gedeon Richter Plc. (2014-2016), Menarini Int. Op. (2009-2012), MSD-Merck & Co. (2011-2014), Novartis Pharma AG (2014-2020), ResMed (2014-2016), Sanofi (2009-2011), SERVIER (2009-2021), Vifor (2019-2022).

Funding Information:
Funding Funding from ’Zabawas Foundation’ and ’De Hoop Foundation’ in addition to the support from EORP is greatly acknowledged. Since the start of EORP, the following companies have supported the programme: Abbott Vascular Int. (2011-2021), Amgen Cardiovascular (2009-2018), AstraZeneca (2014-2021), Bayer AG (2009-2018), Boehringer Ingelheim (2009-2019), Boston Scientific (2009-2012), The Bristol Myers Squibb and Pfizer Alliance (2011-2019), Daiichi Sankyo Europe GmbH (2011-2020), The Alliance Daiichi Sankyo Europe GmbH and Eli Lilly and Company (2014-2017), Edwards (2016-2019), Gedeon Richter Plc. (2014-2016), Menarini Int. Op. (2009-2012), MSD-Merck & Co. (2011-2014), Novartis Pharma AG (2014-2020), ResMed (2014-2016), Sanofi (2009-2011), SERVIER (2009-2021), Vifor (2019-2022).

Funding Information:
Acknowledgements EORP oversight Committee, ROPAC Executive Committee (see online supplemental appendix 1). Data collection was conducted by the EORP department from the ESC by Elin Folkesson Lefrancq as Project Officer; Viviane Missiamenou, Gérard Gracia and Sebastien Authier as Data Managers. Overall activities were coordinated and supervised by Dr Aldo P Maggioni (Scientific Coordinator). Data have been presented at the congress of the European Society of Cardiology 2019. Julie De Backer is funded as a senior clinical researcher by the Research Foundation Flanders and by a Grant for Medical Research from the Baillet Latour Funds.

Publisher Copyright:
© Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2021. Re-use permitted under CC BY-NC. No commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ.


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