Quantification of the smoking-associated cancer risk with rate advancement periods: meta-analysis of individual participant data from cohorts of the CHANCES consortium

J M Ordonez-Mena, B Schottker, U Mons, M Jenab, H Freisling, B Bueno-De-Mesquita, MG O'Doherty, ALISON Scott, F Kee, Bruno Stricker, Bert Hofman, Toke de Keyser, Rikje Ruiter, S Soderberg, P Jousilahti, K Kuulasmaa, N D Freedman, T Wilsgaard, LCPGM (Lisette) de Groot, E KampmanN Hakansson, N Orsini, A Wolk, L M Nilsson, A Tjonneland, A Pajak, S Malyutina, R Kubinova, A Tamosiunas, M Bobak, M Katsoulis, P Orfanos, P Boffetta, A Trichopoulou, H Brenner

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review

129 Citations (Scopus)
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Original languageUndefined/Unknown
Article number62
JournalBMC Medicine
Publication statusPublished - 2016

Research programs

  • EMC NIHES-01-64-01

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