Reduction in thrombotic events with heparin-coated Palmaz-Schatz stents in normal porcine coronary arteries

Peter A. Hårdhammar, Heleen M.M. van Beusekom, Håkan U. Emanuelsson, Sjoerd H. Hofma, Per A. Albertsson, Pietr D. Verdouw, Eric Boersma, Patrick W. Serruys, Willem J. Van der Giessen*

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Background: The use of stents improves the result after balloon coronary angioplasty. Thrombogenicity of stents is, however, a concern. In the present study, we compared stents with an antithrombotic coating with regular stents. Methods and Results: Regular stents were placed in coronary arteries of pigs receiving no aspirin (group 1; n=8) or aspirin over 4 weeks (group 2, n = 10) or 12 weeks (group 3, n = 9). Stents coated with heparin (antithrombin III uptake, 5 pmol/stent) were placed in 7 pigs that did not receive aspirin (group 4). The other animals received aspirin and coated stents with a heparin activity of 12 pmol antithrombin III/stent (group 5, n = 10) or 20 pmol/stent (group 6, n = 10; group 7, n = 10). Quantitative arteriography was performed at implantation and after 4 (groups 1, 2, and 4 through 6) or 12 weeks (groups 3 and 7). In an additional 5 animals, five regular and five coated stents (20 pmol/stent) were placed and explanted after 5 days for examination of the early responses to the implants. Thrombotic occlusion of the regular stent occurred in 9 of 27 in groups 1 through 3. However, in 0 of 30 of the animals receiving high-activity heparin-coated stents (groups 5 through 7), thrombotic stent occlusion was observed (P<.001). Histological analysis at 4 weeks showed that the neointima in group 6 was thicker compared with its control group 2 (259 ± 104 and 117 ± 36 μm, P<.01), but at 12 weeks the thickness was similar (152 ± 61 and 198 ± 49 μm, respectively). Comparison at 5 days suggested delayed endothelialization of the coating. Conclusions: High-activity heparin coating of stents eliminates subacute thrombosis in porcine coronary arteries.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)423-430
Number of pages8
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Feb 1996

Bibliographical note

Copyright © 1996 by American Heart Association


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