Replicability and robustness of GWAS for behavioral traits

Niels Rietveld, D Conley, N Eriksson, T Esko, SE Medland, AAE Vinkhuyzen, Jiaqi Yang, JD Boardman, CF Chabris, CT Dawes, BW Domingue, DA Hinds, M Johannesson, AK Kiefer, D Laibson, PKE Magnusson, JL Mountain, S Oskarsson, O Rostapshova, A TeumerJY Tung, PM Visscher, DJ Benjamin, D Cesarini, PD Koellinger

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76 Citations (Scopus)


A recent genome-wide-association study of educational attainment identified three single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) whose associations, despite their small effect sizes (each R (2) ? 0.02%), reached genome-wide significance (p < 5 × 10(-8)) in a large discovery sample and were replicated in an independent sample (p < .05). The study also reported associations between educational attainment and indices of SNPs called "polygenic scores." In three studies, we evaluated the robustness of these findings. Study 1 showed that the associations with all three SNPs were replicated in another large (N = 34,428) independent sample. We also found that the scores remained predictive (R (2) ? 2%) in regressions with stringent controls for stratification (Study 2) and in new within-family analyses (Study 3). Our results show that large and therefore well-powered genome-wide-association studies can identify replicable genetic associations with behavioral traits. The small effect sizes of individual SNPs are likely to be a major contributing factor explaining the striking contrast between our results and the disappointing replication record of most candidate-gene studies.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1975-1986
Number of pages12
JournalPsychological Science
Issue number11
Publication statusPublished - 2014


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