Revitalizing Entrepreneurship: The Search for New Research Opportunities

RE Hoskisson, J Covin, Henk Volberda, RA Johnson

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118 Citations (Scopus)


Entrepreneurship research has traditionally focused on opportunity recognition and resource formation as processes that foster the emergence of new business ventures, through both the lens of the individual entrepreneur and corporate venturing. Although we observe that research is vibrant in these traditional areas, we also argue that the continued revitalization of the field of entrepreneurship can be fostered through examining opportunities for research in areas such as industry change and competition, inter-organizational cooperation (which has proliferated more recently), university-sponsored entrepreneurship, venture finance, institutional differences that foster entrepreneurship (primarily between different countries), and appropriability regime differences (including legal and regulatory frameworks) that foster entrepreneurial activities and profit appropriation. Besides pointing scholars to new promising directions, we argue for more attention to the transformational role of entrepreneurship itself by issuing a call for more multi-level research efforts that connect the micro- and macro-foundations of entrepreneurship and explore the revitalization-related uncertainties such as the cost of creating an entrepreneurial orientation and whether there is an optimal level. © 2011 The Authors. Journal of Management Studies
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1141-1168
Number of pages27
JournalJournal of Management Studies
Issue number6 Special issue
Publication statusPublished - 2011

Research programs

  • RSM S&E


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