Service learning: findings from a 14 nations study

D Haski-Leventhal, H Gronlund, K Holmes, Lucas Meijs, RA Cnaan, F Handy, JL Brudney, L Hustinx, C Kang, M Kassam, A Pessi, B Ranade, K (Ken Robert) Smith, N Yamauchi, S Zrinscak

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31 Citations (Scopus)


Service-learning literature has been dominated by studies from North America with little cross-national comparative work. This article reports on a survey of university students conducted across 14 different countries. The study examines the relationships between service-learning programs (both compulsory and optional) at high school and university, along with current volunteering, study subject, and sociodemographic variables. The survey found variation in service-learning across the different countries along with relationships between service-learning participation and gender, family income, and study subject. By contrast to previous research, however, both mandatory and optional service-learning at high school and university led to higher participation in general volunteering. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR
Original languageUndefined/Unknown
Pages (from-to)161-179
Number of pages19
JournalJournal of Nonprofit and Public Sector Marketing
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2010

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