Slovakia: Slovakia in Trump’s world

Michal Onderco*

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When considering how the Slovak government might respond to Donald Trump's election
to the U.S. Presidency, it's crucial to understand Slovakia's current foreign policy trajec-
tory. Under Prime Minister Robert Fico, who has returned for a fourth term, Slovakia
made a notable shift. While in the past Fico had made critical remarks about the United
States domestically, he maintained a pro-Western stance internationally, such as by ap-
pointing solidly pro-Western men (yes, they were all men) to key positions. However, in
2024, Fico appears to have adopted a more Orbán-like approach, and appointed loyalists
with pro-Moscow leanings to leadership roles. This context matters. Fico’s government
might not share the same concerns which the Slovak officials and experts would harbour.
The reaction of the Slovak government would therefore be an inevitable mix of responses
from the political leadership and bureaucratic elites in the public service. Nonetheless, it is
possible to speculate on the government's main considerations. [...]
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationHow Europe is preparing for Trump II
Subtitle of host publicationEuropean Perspectives on potential consequences and the policy areas most af- fected
EditorsLaura von Daniels, Claudia Major, Nicolai von Ondarza
Place of PublicationBerlin
PublisherStiftung Wissenschaft und Politik
Publication statusPublished - 25 Mar 2024

Publication series

SeriesSWP Working Papers


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