Social enterprises and public organizations: allies of adversaries? Introduction to special issue

Philip Karre*

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This Special Issue deals with the promising but oŌen also challenging relaƟonship between social
enterprises and public organizaƟons. Social enterprises are hybrid organizaƟons that work on
creaƟng economic and social values simultaneously. Their hybridity can be enormously beneficial for
combaƫng societal ills, but it can also pose challenges. It is social enterprises’ sine qua non and
unique selling point but also their biggest piƞall, especially when it comes to working for and
together with public organizaƟons. In this introducƟon to the Special Issue, these challenges will be
elaborated on. Also, the individual contribuƟons to the Special Issue will briefly be introduced and a
short research agenda outlined for possible topics of public management research on social
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)305-316
Number of pages11
JournalInternational Journal of Public Sector Management
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2024

Bibliographical note

Guest editorial to special issue on the relationship between social enterprises and public sector organizations. Answers the questions what social enterprises are exactly and why it is interesting and relevant to study them from a public management perspective.

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