Standards for conducting and reporting consensus and recommendation documents: European Society of Cardiovascular Radiology policy from the Guidelines Committee

A. Lupi, D. Suchá, G. Cundari, N. Fink, H. Alkadhi, R. P.J. Budde, F. Caobelli, C. N. De Cecco, N. Galea, M. Hrabak-Paar, C. Loewe, J. A. Luetkens, G. Muscogiuri, L. Natale, K. Nikolaou, M. Pirnat, L. Saba, R. Salgado, M. C. Williams, B. J. WinterspergerR. Vliegenthart, M. Francone, A. Pepe*

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Cardiovascular imaging is exponentially increasing in the diagnosis, risk stratification, and therapeutic management of patients with cardiovascular disease. The European Society of Cardiovascular Radiology (ESCR) is a non-profit scientific medical society dedicated to promoting and coordinating activities in cardiovascular imaging. The purpose of this paper, written by ESCR committees and Executive board members and approved by the ESCR Executive Board and Guidelines committee, is to codify a standardized approach to creating ESCR scientific documents. Indeed, consensus development methods must be adopted to ensure transparent decision-making that optimizes national and global health and reaches a certain scientific credibility. ESCR consensus documents developed based on a rigorous methodology will improve their scientific impact on the management of patients with cardiac involvement. Critical relevance statement: This document aims to codify the methodology for producing consensus documents of the ESCR. These ESCR indications will broaden the scientific quality and credibility of further publications and, consequently, the impact on the diagnostic management of patients with cardiac involvement. Key Points: Cardiovascular imaging is exponentially increasing for diagnosis, risk stratification, and therapeutic management. The ESCR is committed to promoting cardiovascular imaging. A rigorous methodology for ESCR consensus documents will improve their scientific impact.

Original languageEnglish
Article number207
JournalInsights into Imaging
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 24 Aug 2024

Bibliographical note

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© The Author(s) 2024.


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