Structured Imaginings: Social Media as a Tool to Reduce Intergroup Prejudice

Arul Chib, Jingyuan Shi

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Based on intergroup contact theory, we conducted a social media campaign
to improve the relationship between Chinese sojourners and Singaporeans. We found
that perceived discrimination fully mediated the effects of face-to-face contact as
well as imagined contact on intergroup prejudice. An investigation of joint effects
showed that, for the campaign audience, online contact campaign, instead of faceto-face contact, significantly reduced their perceived discrimination, which in turn
reduced intergroup prejudice. We discuss explanations for the impact of social media
on intergroup relationships and implications of targeted social media campaigns in the
context of a growing crisis in global immigration.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)17-43
Number of pages27
JournalIntercultural communication studies
Volume XXVII
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2018


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