Sunny Holidays before and after Melanoma Diagnosis Are Respectively Associated with Lower Breslow Thickness and Lower Relapse Rates in Italy

S Gandini, Esther Vries, G Tosti, E Botteri, G Spadola, P Maisonneuve, C Martinoli, Arjen Joosse, PF Ferrucci, F Baldini, E Cocorocchio, E Pennacchioli, F Cataldo, B Bazolli, A (Alessandra) Clerici, M Barberis, V Bataille, A Testori

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Background: Previous studies have reported an association between sun exposure and improved cutaneous melanoma (CM) survival. We analysed the association of UV exposure with prognostic factors and outcome in a large melanoma cohort. Methods: A questionnaire was given to 289 (42%) CM patients at diagnosis (Group 1) and to 402 CM patients (58%) during follow-up (Group 2). Analyses were carried out to investigate the associations between sun exposure and melanoma prognostic factors and survival. Results: Holidays in the sun two years before CM diagnosis were significantly associated with lower Breslow thickness (p=0.003), after multiple adjustment. Number of weeks of sunny holidays was also significantly and inversely associated with thickness in a dose-dependent manner (p=0.007). However when stratifying by gender this association was found only among women (p=0.0004) the risk of CM recurrence in both sexes was significantly lower in patients (n=271) who had holidays in the sun after d
Original languageUndefined/Unknown
JournalPLoS One (print)
Issue number11
Publication statusPublished - 2013

Research programs

  • EMC NIHES-02-65-02

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