Surveillance en controle als work based harms: Een verkennende studie naar arbeidsrelaties en -condities in het betaald huishoudelijk werk in de platformeconomie

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Based on a literature review and reflections on twenty qualitative interviews with (undocumented) women migrants active in paid domestic work in the platform economy in London, the United Kingdom, this contribution explores (digital) surveillance and worker control as work-based harms in the platform economy. It finds that paid domestic work, due to its siting in the private household and its prioritizing of personal relationships and trust, is less suited for the impersonal logic of algorithms and surveillance that generally characterizes working relations in the platform economy. At the same time, inequalities that traditionally structure employment relations in the sector of paid domestic work are still reproduced by platforms despite their potential to contribute to more job mobility and better access to work and employment.
Original languageDutch
Pages (from-to)13-32
JournalTijdschrift over Cultuur en Criminaliteit
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2023

Research programs

  • SAI 2005-04 MSS

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