Tailor-made drug treatment for children Creation of an infrastructure for data-sharing and population PK-PD modeling

Ibrahim Ince, Saskia de Wildt, Dick Tibboel, M Danhof, Catherijne Knibbe

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review

57 Citations (Scopus)


Rational dosing guidelines for drugs in pediatrics are urgently needed, To develop these guidelines, we use population pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic (PK-PD) modeling and simulation by: (i) optimization of clinical trial designs based on preliminary data; (ii) development and internal validation of population PK-PD models using sparse data; (iii) external validation using independent data; and (iv) prospective clinical evaluation. Optimized dosing regimens for specific drugs may then serve as a basis to develop dosing guidelines for existing or newly developed drugs with similar disposition and/or effect. In addition to modeling of drug disposition (PK) pathways, we emphasize the need for modeling of effect (PD) pathways and the use of a multidisciplinary infrastructure for data-sharing.
Original languageUndefined/Unknown
Pages (from-to)316-320
Number of pages5
JournalDrug Discovery Today
Issue number5-6
Publication statusPublished - 2009

Research programs

  • EMC MGC-02-53-01-A
  • EMC OR-02-54-06

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