The availability of essential medicines in primary health centres in Indonesia: achievements and challenges across the archipelago

Relmbuss Fanda*, Ari Probandari, Yuyun Yuniar, Harimat Hendarwan, Laksono Trisnantoro, Nikki Jongeneel, Maarten Kok

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Indonesia is making significant strides toward achieving universal health coverage, which involves providing free access to essential medicines. This study examines the availability of essential medicine in primary health centres (PHCs) across Indonesia, the reasons why medicines are unavailable, and the extent to which communities have access to alternative dispensing points.


Enumerators visited each of the 9831 PHCs in all 514 districts to assess the availability of 60 essential medicines and identify reasons for any absent medicines. We correlated the results with the national village census to assess the relationship between availability, poverty, and access to alternative dispensing points.


Medicine availability varied greatly. The median availability for 17 priority medicines was 82%, while 58% of the broader selection of 60 essential medicines was present. The availability of maternal and childcare medicines was highest (73%) and lowest for mental health (42%). The main reasons for absence were that medicines were deemed unnecessary (46%) or not supplied (38%). The Java/Bali region had the highest medicines availability, and rural areas in Eastern Indonesia had the lowest. In these districts, the population is financially struggling, most dependent on free medicines from public providers, and had the least access to alternative dispensing points.


The availability of priority medicines in PHCs is relatively high, while public-paid prices are low by international standards. To improve availability of all essential medicines, the government should prioritize areas with the highest need, increase funding for PHCs in remote areas, and implement transparent monitoring of medicines availability.


Indonesian Government.
Original languageEnglish
Article number100345
JournalThe Lancet Regional Health - Southeast Asia
Early online date8 Jan 2024
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2024

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2024 The Authors

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  • EMC NIHES-05-63-01 Management


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