The extended gate concept for container terminals: Expanding the notion of dry ports

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150 Citations (Scopus)


Different firms in multimodal hinterland networks, such as terminal operators, freight forwarders, information service providers, infrastructure managers, shippers and receivers, aim to contribute to a better performance of the overall supply chain. Terminal operators, for instance, are more and more involved in linking sea terminals with inland terminals, or linking terminals with end points in the chain, such as warehouses. Thus, they assume new responsibilities in addition to being a stocking point. This article addresses a crucial innovation that is currently developing in the hinterland of the main ports of Rotterdam and Amsterdam: Supply chain and transportation network integration by extending the sea terminal gate into the hinterland. The article explores the relationship between the extended gate concept and the better known concept of dry ports. We argue that extended gates, when implemented correctly, can generate substantial benefits in terms of modal shift, logistics performance and regional development. Substantial bottlenecks still exist that hamper the development of extended gates in multimodal transport networks. The article will identify these bottlenecks, and suggest avenues for solutions. The full implementation and adoption of an extended gate network in a port's hinterland will result in a fundamental change in the role of seaports in global supply chains.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)14-32
Number of pages19
JournalMaritime Economics and Logistics
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2012

Research programs

  • EUR ESE 32


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