The influence of organizational factors, eldercare worker characteristics and care situation on the use of assistive devices during resident handling in eldercare work

Kristina Karstad*, Charlotte D.N. Rasmussen, Charlotte Lund Rasmussen, Reiner Rugulies, Karen Søgaard, Alex Burdorf, Andreas Holtermann

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We evaluated the influence of organization, eldercare worker and care situation on the use of assistive devices during resident handling in eldercare work. We conducted a multi-level study among 20 nursing homes, 126 wards within the nursing homes, 549 eldercare workers within the wards, who performed a total of 1306 care episodes including 3695 resident handlings. The influence of organization (i.e. nursing home and ward), eldercare worker and care situation (i.e. care episode and resident handling) on the use of assistive devices was evaluated using variance components analysis and multivariate generalized linear mixed model. Nursing homes, wards, eldercare workers, care episodes and ‘within care episode’ all contributed to the total variance in use of assistive devices. Organizational factors and care situation factors were significantly associated with use of assistive devices. All levels of the nursing homes, but in particular care situation, influence the use of assistive devices during resident handling.

Original languageEnglish
Article number103533
JournalApplied Ergonomics
Early online date19 Aug 2021
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2022

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
This study was financially supported by the Danish Work Environment Research Fund (project number: 03-2017-09 ). The DOSES cohort was financed by a grant from the Danish government . The funding sources were not involved in any part of this present study or in the writing of this article for publication.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2021 The Authors


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