The relationship between organizational trust, resistance to change and adaptive and proactive employees’ agility in an unplanned and planned change context.

SB (Sandra Bianca) Doeze Jager - van Vliet, Marise Born, Henk van der Molen

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Modern organizations need to adapt quickly to on-going changes. The present study sought to examine employees' agility during periods of sudden, unplanned, and during periods of planned change. It was investigated to what extent one's trust in the organization and resistance to change could predict proactive agility and adaptive agility. Data came from employees (N = 188) in two different organizations, one undergoing an unplanned change and one undergoing a planned change. In both contexts, organizational trust had a negative relationship with resistance to change. In an unplanned change context (organization one), trust of employees in the organization had a positive effect on the adaptive component of agility through the (negative) mediation by affective resistance to change. In this context, trust did not have any (mediated) effect on the proactive component of agility. In contrast, in a planned change context (organization two), trust had a positive effect on the proactive component of agility, partially through the (negative) mediation by resistance to change. In this context, trust also had a positive effect on the adaptive component of agility, partially through the (negative) mediation by resistance to change. These results imply that trust works in different ways depending on the type of change. More trust through less resistance implies better adaptation during unplanned organizational change. More trust works directly and partially through less resistance to change to enhance employee proactivity and adaptability during planned change.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)436-460
Number of pages25
JournalApplied Psychology
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2022

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2021 International Association of Applied Psychology

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