The relationships between trust in supervisor, turnover intentions, and voluntary turnover: Testing the mediating effect of on-the-job embeddedness.

Debora E. Purba*, JK (Janneke) Oostrom, Marise Born, Henk van der Molen

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This study investigated the mediating effect of on-the-job embeddedness on the relationship between trust in supervisor and turnover. Survey data were collected among 471 employees of a restaurant chain in Indonesia. Results showed that job embeddedness mediated the relationship between trust in supervisor and turnover intentions. Turnover intentions were positively correlated with actual voluntary turnover 15 months later. The results confirmed that the trustworthiness of supervisors affects the quality of the relationships between supervisors and employees. Hence, low levels of trust must be addressed as soon as possible in order to maintain a healthy environment in which employees are able to develop their job embeddedness.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)174-183
Number of pages10
JournalJournal of Personnel Psychology
Issue number4
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 22 Jul 2016

Research programs


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